Cate Blanchett Fan Survey Info

Cate Blanchett Fan is a website by fans for fans. It is a common place where all fanbases from around the world visit to share and get info, news and material about Cate. Considering that, we have been thinking about amplify our communication channel with the readers by connecting fans (cbf team included). There are already great forums and social media groups/accounts so our proposal is to create a CBF chat group, an online space to talk and share content about Cate and also meet fellow fans in an easy and immediate way.


1) How I would be able to access the chat?

The chat would be freely available through web, ios, android, windows and mac.

2) Is the chat private?

The chat would be available for anyone registered in the platform.

So we want to know, are you interested in this idea?

Vote in the poll >> (sidebar) and let us know!
If you have any questions, leave a comment or contact us through

7 Comments on “Cate Blanchett Fan Survey Info”

  1. Es ist und bleibt langweilig, wenn Cate ‘nicht’ auf der Fan-Plattform selbst präsent ist. Sorry, aber ich habe keine Lust auf den Gedanken- und Gefühlsausbruch der anderen,
    Ich würde mich auf Cate freuen! Sie ist intelligent, humorvoll, kreativ und ich bin mir sicher, dass sie eine überzeugende, gehaltvolle eigene Meinung besitzt.
    Mit den besten Grüßen,

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