Another update! This time the Theatre section. In chronological order:
The War of the Roses (2009): Cate Blanchett plays Richard II and Lady Anne in a conflation of eight Shakesperian historical tragedies. For her performance she was nominated to an Helpmann Award and a Sydney Theatre Award.

Gross und Klein (2011): Cate Blanchett is Lotte in a play by German playwright Botho Strauss. She was nominated for an Evening Standard Award and won an Helpmann Award and a Sydney Theatre Award as best actress. The trailer can be found here.

The Maids (2013): directed for the third time by Benedict Andrews, Cate Blanchett is Claire in the play written by Jean Genet. She won an Helpmann Award and was nominated for a Sydney Theatre Award.

The Present (2015): in her most recent collaboration with the Sydney Theatre Company, Cate Blanchett is Anna, in the new adaptation of Chechov’s unfinished play Platonov.