Berlinale – Talents Table Talk and new still from Stateless

Hello Blanchetters!!

Berlinale full programm has been unveiled today. Cate Blanchett, with Karim Aïnouz, Nardjes Asli and Maryam Zaree, moderated Florian Weghorn will take part in Talents Table Talk: Places like Home on February 24, 2020.

Home is where you belong. But what if you are between nations or forced to leave yours? Cate Blanchett, the creator and actress of the Australian series Stateless, delves into the darker aspects of her nation’s migratory politics. Alongside her are artists who face their multi-national identities with a camera in hand. In her documentary Born in Evin, German actress and director Maryam Zaree returns to her birthplace in Iran: a prison for political prisoners. And setting out to portray his father’s homeland of Algeria, Brazilianborn and Berlin-based director Karim Aïnouz found Nardjes instead, who took to the streets of Algiers to fight for a democratic future. All four artists and activists put the politics of belonging at the centre of the table.


The film festival has released a new still from Stateless (source).

The official poster can be found on IMDB, and Elise McCredie, showrunner of Stateless, shared on the Instagram profile the moving posters for each main character.

For those willing to share and talk about the upcoming tv series, the official hashtag pointed out by ABC Australia is #statelesstv. Enjoy!