Mrs. America – Promotional videos and interviews

Hello Blanchetters!

Quick post to share the lastest promotional videos from Mrs. America and a new interview. Enjoy!


Cate Blanchett opens up about playing an anti-feminist in ‘Mrs. America’ – Full interview here

Cate Blanchett’s new limited-series examines a pivotal moment in American history.

Still, she didn’t expect to see the storyline depicted in FX’s Mrs. America to find such currency as the U.S. and the rest of the world battles the coronavirus pandemic.

The two-time Oscar winner plays conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly in the TV show which dramatizes the fight over the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in the 1970s.

Schlafly, Blanchett says from her home in London, had “a great fear of a strong central government.”

“She found that abhorrent,” Blanchett muses. “And I would argue that in the crisis that we’re living through right now, you do need a strong, cohesive, effective and responsible federal government when you have a national and international crisis.”

«MRS AMERICA» AVEC CATE BLANCHETT: «J’ADORE E?TRE UNE AUTRE QUE MOI!»Full interview (scans in the gallery)

Alors que tous ses projets de tournage sont actuellement a? l’arre?t (en particulier Nightmare Alley, le prochain film de Guillermo del Toro), c’est depuis son lieu de confinement a? Londres, en Angleterre, que l’actrice australienne Cate Blanchett (*) a re?pondu aux questions de notre correspondant. Interview exclusive.

Comment pre?senter «Mrs. America»?
La se?rie suit la vie de plusieurs femmes au de?but des anne?es 1970 lorsqu’une activiste conservatrice, Phyllis Schlafly veut empe?cher la ratification d’un amendement pour garantir l’e?galite? des droits entre les sexes aux E?tats-Unis. C’e?tait une avocate, me?re de famille, qui a de?cide? de combattre les mouvements fe?ministes de l’e?poque pour conserver sa vision de l’unite? familiale et de la femme au foyer. Mrs. America se de?roule il y a cinquante ans et pourtant cette histoire a une grande re?sonance en 2020. Tout est base? sur des faits re?els qui ont e?te? oublie?s par beaucoup d’Ame?ricains et qui sont souvent me?connus a? travers



If Mrs. America seems too sympathetic to Schlafly, it might be because she’s played by Blanchett, an actor who has managed, at some point, to bewitch every camera in the world. Despite knowing little about Schlafly when she took the role, Blanchett (who is also one of the series’ executive producers) embodies her chilly mannerisms perfectly—an anvil disguised as a pastel princess cake. But the show is astute in most of its characterizations, as well as in capturing the interpersonal ego traps and ideological fissures in both mainstream liberal feminism and burgeoning Christian conservatism.

Telltale TV

Blanchett, again, shows her skill with nuanced, split-second reactions. There is so much bottled up in this woman with contradicting morals who is fueled by patriarchal ideals, and Blanchett brings these competing emotions to the surface for us to see, but subtly and briefly, conveying multiple feelings all at once.


Off Topic: the gallery is partially closed for the yearly update: new pictures are coming!