Tag: #cannesfilmfestival
Hello dearests!! Are you missing Cannes already? Are you missing your daily dose of Madame La Presidente? We have a solution! More pictures of Cate: the gallery now hosts more than 1300 new photos. We could not have done...
Hello everybody! Here are some photoshoot updates! Enjoy! 1) Libération 2) THR 3) Vanity Fair Italia My Cannes Backstage #wedid @vanityfairitalia ??????special thank to @paolajacobbi #marcofinazzi #danielanarducci #philippequaisse Guest #cateblanchett @chloessevigny #larsvontrier #vanessaparadis #golshiftefarahani #beniciodeltoro @arizona_muse A post shared...
Hello dears! Here we are with the final post on the 71st Cannes Film Festival, that officially closed yesterday. Everybody agrees that the jury did a terrific job, led by our phenomenal Madame La Presidente. We have just added...
Hello Blanchetters! We are the end of the 71st Cannes Film Festival. Madame La Presidente attended Terry Gilliam's The Man Who Killed Don Quixote premiere this evening, followed by the closing ceremony. As we are posting the closing jury...
Good morning! Madame La Presidente graced the red carpet yesterday evening, attending the premiere of Capharnaum. Enjoy the first pictures! [embed]https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6jqb5e[/embed] [embed]https://cdn-media.festival-cannes.com/media_video_encoded/direct_encoded/2018/TV-Festival/17_CAPHARNAUM_MARCHES_VA.webm[/embed]
Hello again! Madame La Presidente celebrated her day by attending three events yesterday. She started the day with an historical moment: the signing of a pledge in support of the 50/50 by 2020 movement. You can read all about...
Hello Blanchetters! We have additional pictures from the Cannes Film Festival and a new photoshoot! On May 13 Madame La Presidente attended two events: the HFPA Party and the Kering Women in Motion Dinner, where she also posed for...
Hello Blanchetters! The 5th day of Cannes was historic and moving; The Film Festival partnered with the 50/50by2020 collective and Time's Up movement in a symbolic gesture to support gender equality and diversity in the industry, before the signing...
Morning everybody! The Cannes Film Festival Official Site released a new interview with Madame La Presidente, aired yesterday on the French TV channel Canal+. Enjoy! Source [embed]https://cdn-media.festival-cannes.com/media_video_encoded/direct_encoded/2018/TV-Festival/STORY_CATE%20BLANCHETT_VA.webm[/embed]
Hello Blanchetters! Have you checked the new pictures? Don't waste a second, more images are coming! In the meantime, enjoy this collection of videos from the first two days of the festival. We are aware that some contents are...
Hi! Another bit from the numerous interviews Cate gave yesterday. This one is a video interview recorded for Canal+, the French TV channel broadcasting the festival. The French translation covers Cate's voice, but you can still make out her...
Hello again! Cate is featured in today's issue of Le Figaro, the French newspaper. The inteview, featuring a brand new picture, can be also found on the official site (here) for subscribers only. Cate is also gracing the cover...
Morning Blanchetters! We wish to thanks Christina and everybody who donated in the past few days, especially our guardian angel Pat. Cannes Day 2 is about to start and new pictures are coming from yesterday. Cate, pardon Madame La...
Hello fans! Cannes is about to officially open and we have a lot of new pictures already: Madame La Presidente and the jury posed for the cameras early this afternoon for the ritual photocall, followed by the jury press...